AKCP Endorses State Representative David Eastman


For Immediate Release

Wasilla, Alaska – Putting principles before politics, the Alaska Constitution Party (AKCP) steps across party lines with its endorsement of State Rep. David Eastman in the 2024 election season. The AKCP motto is “Life + Liberty + Integrity = Prosperity”. David Eastman exemplifies these principles in both is personal and public life.

The Constitution Party holds that all Human Life is sacred. This includes protecting unborn persons, promoting the natural family, acknowledging the biological fact of male and female, and more. David Eastman has consistently shown his commitment to this principle by legislative action.

The Constitution Party believes that the natural right of Liberty pre-exists any form of government and that governments exist to protect rights, they do not create rights.  The Constitution of the United States is the Supreme Law of the land.  Its job is to limit government, not limit the people whose rights it protects.

David Eastman agrees.  “The Constitution will either be our guide in all matters, and the law of the land, or it will not. We do not have the luxury of treating it one day as law, the next day as an historic artifact, and the day after that as merely a heart-warming concept. Laws that undermine our Constitution also undermine the very rights that our Constitution was written to protect. More than that, silence in the face of such laws and regulations often shows a most profound failure to appreciate the stories and sacrifices of our nation’s heroes from 1776 until the present time; men and women who deemed it a better thing to risk death than to pursue personal safety, so that we might one day live free.”  He has proven this commitment by his military service and his legislative action.

The Constitution Party is committed to Integrity.  “We will hold all our party officers and leaders strictly accountable for their conduct. They will be held to the highest ethical standards in dealing with the public, donors, government officials, and candidates. Corrupt candidates come from corrupt parties. Honest and honorable candidates can only come from a party that insists that all its leaders have the same characteristics.”

David Eastman has that commitment.  His military oath states, “I, David Eastman, do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

David Eastman has not wavered from that oath. Several ethics charges filed against him by the Legislative Ethics Committee and others have been dismissed. We find his integrity to remain sound.

Prosperity depends greatly upon Life, Liberty, and Integrity in all aspects of personal, business, and public life. We need to elect more people committed to these principles if we want to restore our economy and maintain a healthy standard of living for all Alaskans.

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