A monthly email journal of Constitutionist happenings in Alaska and across the nation.
The Last Frontier in America is the last bastion of Liberty in America. Daily we watch Liberty erode in the Lower 48 and Alaskans are not immune to the mindset of government elitism from both Washington D.C. and the politicians in Juneau. The Alaska Constitution Party is committed to both preserving Liberty and restoring lost Liberty within our state. We believe in the founding principles of the Declaration of Independences, the protection of rights and restriction of federal power in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. We believe in supporting the Constitution of the State of Alaska insofar as it complies with the basic tenets of the documents listed above. We believe the ultimate source of Liberty is the people themselves as individuals endowed by their Creator with certain un-a-lien-able rights, that government exists solely to protect those rights, and that government has no power to grant rights nor take away rights, with limited exception for those who violate the rights of others in criminal activity. (Karen Murray, Editor)
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