Re-establishing America's Constitutional Republic

Liberty, Integrity, Prosperity

View this message from Joe Miller to the Constitution Party, 2020

Message from State Chairman

To all Alaskans who are native born, natural born, naturalized, and those who wish to become citizens of these United States of America:

Our ancient pre-Contact ancestors walked or sailed thousands of miles in search of a place to live, filled with abundant resources, and room to grow.  They found it. 

Our more recent European ancestors sailed the oceans and settled the North American continent seeking liberty, and they founded a nation based on the principles of liberty.  Many of these principles were already established among native peoples.  They built it.

Others were brought against their will in chains and were denied the privileges of Liberty for generations.  Today they are finding it.

Even more recently people have walked across borders and flown through the skies as if on the wings of Eagles, seeking that same liberty.  They come from Asia, from South America, from the Pacific Islands, from nearly every nation and people across the earth.  Will they be able to find it?

In our day, these principles of Liberty and the nation founded upon them, are under constant attack by those who have either lost their history or who have been taught that these principles are false.  There is no doubt that insofar as we have strayed from the original intent of these principles, bad things have happened, bad policies have been instituted, and corruption reigns in the halls of government, at all levels.

Nevertheless, many more good things have come from America than bad. We have forgotten this as a nation.  There is confusion in the minds of the people and chaos is rearing its ugly head.  But we still have hope, and as long as there are seekers of Liberty, there is the opportunity to re-establish the American Constitutional Republic. 

The Alaska Constitution Party seeks to re-establish the basic principles of Liberty and Good Governance in five ways:

  1. Build a network of people who have been educated in those principles and are committed to educating others in order to open minds to the power of Liberty within the bounds of the federal and state Constitutions.
  2. Train this network in how to connect with and communicate these principles to incumbent office holders, find what changes need to be made in order to re-align any proposed legislation to the spirit and law of both Constitutions, and offer suggestions about which laws should be reviewed and repealed because they violate the principles of Liberty found in both Constitutions.
  3. Support incumbents or candidates who have shown commitment to these principles by their words and actions during their tenure in office. There are various ways to do this.
  4. Run for office if an incumbent or candidate committed to the principles of the American Constitutional Republic cannot be found. In Alaska’s current Top Four primary system, and Ranked Choice Voting, a win is possible with the right message, at the right time, in the right place.
  5. Ballot Access for Political Groups, which is how the Alaska Constitution Party is defined under Alaska statutes, is by petitioning every four years. Our network of Alaskan Constitutionists will work to gather signatures across the state whenever needed, in order to maintain our Ballot Access and eventually achieve Political Party status.

It is often said that an alternative party can never win, that an alternative candidate will only split the vote. This is a fallacy.  Alternative parties can, and do, win elections across these United States of America. But perhaps the most important role of the Constitution Party is to keep the election rhetoric focused on the principles, rather than on the party or the personalities involved.  This can, and has been shown in real world experience, to move the race towards Liberty rather than away from it.   

We invite you to Dare to be an American, an Alaska-American, dedicated to re-establishing the American ideal of Liberty through Self-Governance and the principles of our founding documents.

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